
Yet Another Reason My Wife is So Cool .....

My wife is so cool. As a graduation present she took me to a Blue Jackets game last night. Even though the home team lost much fun was had by all. I would have to say that after having finally partaking in a real live Jackets game ( as opposed to seeing them on television), and a real live Columbus Crew game, I prefer the Hockey to the Soccer. I just really like watching hockey.

Anyway I had a great evening. I had a fairly non-productive day yesterday. I wasn't sure what to do with myself. I didn't have any deadlines, I didn't have turn anything in. Of course I was still getting over a little touch of a cold. Today there is much more to do: some house cleaning, some shopping, a final trip to school for a meeting with some folks from my history seminar. I am also going to try to do some rewriting on my resume, anyway I hope you all have a great day.



Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, and congrats on the graduation as well. I was good to see you at CV on Sunday, I miss seeing you around VCC.
Dave Webster

John McCollum said...

Wow. Your wife really is cool. You should get her pregnant or something.

mg said...

john, that is lmao funny!