
What's that Big Shiny Thing In the Sky?

Well, the sun actually came out today, and it wasn't: cold, raining, snowing, etc. Could this mean that spring is actually here? One would definitely hope that was the case.

So your wondering where I've been? C'mon you know you are. All the cool people have been wondering about it.

I have been.... well...... busy, for lack of a better term. Beyond that almost everything that I have thought to write about was to my mind a bit to inflammatory to be discussed in any format that didn't include a pint of Guinness. to be honest I have been in a bit of a funk lately. Now that I think about it, that does tend to happen about this time every year, something about being seasonally affective or something like that. There are other mitigating circumstances in this case. For those who might have been following and praying, my Uncle Joe did actually have a stroke, he is mildly paralyzed on his left side but is still able to think straight and still has his sense of humor. This has been very hard for me to deal with, so continued prayer in this regard would be greatly appreciated. I am also insanely busy at school. I have been doing things with the model U.N., I will be joining the History Honors Society, and am currently co-founding a history club of sorts here at the school. that is on top my trying to keep my GPA at the expected level. I have been playing in the worship band at church, dealing with some personal medical issues and working at my new marriage ..... busy busy busy. But I wouldn't have it any other way. So that's the news and weather in my world .... pictures at 11 ..... be sure to tune in :-)

1 comment:

John McCollum said...
