
Well Since I've Been Tagged And All ....

come to think of it, I am pretty sure I have done this before, the interesting things is that this time might turn out different.

four jobs i've had in my life:
* Pet Store Manager
* Restaurant Manager
* Collector
* 3rd Shift Busboy at Bob Evans

four movies i can watch o'er and o'er:
* All Three Lord of the Rings Movies
* The Star Wars Movies, especially the original Three
* Indiana Jones
* The Incredibles

four places i have lived:
* Rockford, Ill
* Wonder Lake, Ill
* Chicago, Ill
* Columbus, Ohio

four tv shows i love to watch:
* anything that has the words "Law and Order" in it
* Football
* The Simpsons

four tops (don't know what this means but I will pick albums):
* Rush "2112"
* The Old Blind Dogs "Fit?"
* Pink Floyd "The Wall"
* Queen "Innuendo"

four places i have been on vacation:
* Toronto, Canada
* Washington, D.C.
* Rocky Mountian National Park, Co
* Nashville, Tenn.

four of my favorite dishes:
* Pizza-from Hound Dogs with Pepperonni and Mushrooms, and Smoking Joe's crust
* big greasy cheesburger-with a cold beer to wash it down
* Erica's fajitas
* Erica's black bean soup - it was the thing that got me to come over for dinner for the first time

four websites i visit daily:
* news.bbc.co.uk
* weather.com
* nytimes.com
* textism.com/oliver/daily/

four places i would rather be:
* London, UK
* Dublin, Ireland
* Chicago, Ill
* Somewhere out in the woods, alone with my thoughts, and maybe a camera

I tag anyone else who wants to participate who hasn't been tagged yet.


Andy Whitman said...

You lucky dog. My "Kate's chimichangas" comment didn't work for me.

John McCollum said...

Dang. I should have said 'sex!'