
Yep, It's About This Big

Well my wife has taken to calling the child, "peanut", this is appropriate since that is about the size of it now.

OK I am not comfortable with the pronoun for my future child being "it" ..... any ideas?

Well Erica is having a grand ole time being pregnant, I sort of picture a very small baby sitting in front of a control panel with just four buttons: Sleep, Eat, Drink, Pee. Her sleep schedule is already shot to hell, and she is still only like a month pregnant. Prayers would be appreciated.

I have to confess that for me the idea of being a father is a little overwhelming. My relationship with my father is non-existent, and to be honest I would like to keep it that way. I guess I am just afraid that the seeds sown in my childhood might decide to bloom in my fatherhood. Everyone keeps telling me "Oh you will be a great father, don't worry" Why is it hard to believe that sometimes. Anyway I suspect that most of us have struggled with this from time to time.


John McCollum said...


I LOVE the image of little Cletus (the Fetus) sitting in front of the control panel. Very amusing.

Again, congrats.

Mark K. said...

That's a problem with English, no gender neutral personal pronoun. "He or She" is kind of clunky. How about, "the peanut," a gender neutral nick name?

You want your child and you want to be a good father. You're already ahead of the curve.


Andy Whitman said...

Hey, congratulations, Brian.

I do understand the terror/fear part. I grew up with a not-so-great father (actually, that's a severe understatement), and I wondered how many of his parenting "skills" (heh) would transfer to me when we had kids. The answer: some of them. But fewer of them than I had feared. And there is grace. It's amazing what the words "I'm sorry" will do when they're spoken from the heart, both to God and to our wives and kids.

You'll be an imperfect dad. And you'll be a wonderful dad. I can't wait to see you in action. It will be a very good thing.

Andy W. Anderson, Ph.D Candidate said...

Kinda funny that I want to post here seeing as I'm neither a father nor a father to be in the very near future...

Prayer is the only way to go here. No one can say that the seed sewn in your childhood won't try to bloom, and if human nature has its way, it certainly will try to bloom. We can't do anything about it, but God can help us all to deal with our own imperfection...

I like Andy Whitman's comment, you'll be an imperfect dad and a wonderful dad.

I'm going to watch and learn.
