Well it’s Monday….
The weekend was good.
So what have I been up to?
Well recently I picked up a new tutoring student. (This is a pretty good gig for me)
I have seen the new Star Wars twice … good story, great special effects, bad dialogue … ‘nuf said.
I am getting my car worked on … was in a car accident last a few weeks ago and I needed to get some bodywork done … so we are down to one car and two bikes.
I have been reading like a fiend, here is he current list:
Red Moon Rising – great book about prayer
Blue Like Jazz – good book, funny, a little bizarre, very inspirational
Seeds of Contemplation – God has really been reaching me through this book.
Screwtape Letters – Clive is always great
On Liberty – This is a hard read, but really good for all you political science types
Moby Dick – this book is great but exhausting to read
Had a great lunch after Church this week at African Paradise with some of the folks from church. I tried goat for the first time, tasted really good but it was a little chewy … conclusion: not sure, may have to try it again before making a decision.
My wife and I went out for Indian food and then went to see Stomp! on Friday. The food was great as always, and the Show was amazing. A great way to celebrate the fact that we have been married exactly six months.
My lovely wife has begun riding her bike to work, I am very proud of her. By the way please pray for her, She is going to be working on end of the year report cards soon and that is always a stressful time for her.
Does anyone out there know anyone who does anyone kind of lobbying at the state level, and would be interested in having someone shadow them for a while this summer. I would very like much to try something like that.
Anyway I think that is all for now… Thanks for dropping by