
The Contempt of a Small White Dog

ok, here is something wierd about me, I can usually win over the affection of just about every dog I meet. I don't know if one would call that a gift, a skill, or just some random genetic trait. whatever it is..... I have it..... at least I did. I have apparently met my match in the shape a small white dog, not just any small white dog, my wife's small white dog. Her name is Lucy, and she is a Maltese, if you're interested in such things. To date the small white dog's response to me in almost an situation is one of two things: shaking with barely controlled rage ... or fear, ...... or just staring at me with utter comtempt. I can claim one little victory in that she will on occasion curl up with me in bed after my wife leaves in a vain attempt to leach away some of my body heat, but as soon as I get out of bed we are back to utter comtempt. Now Erica has had no such trouble adjusting to my dog, the aformentioned Ubermutt: In fact all you have to do is scratch her back and she's your friend for life.

So there you have it: Is this some sort of life shattering drama you ask? Not really, just one more of those unanticipated and often entertaining side effects of married life


John McCollum said...

In case the little mutt doesn't come around, I'll pick up some recipes for you while I'm in SE Asia.

John McCollum said...

If you want your dog to warm up to you more quickly, make sure you preheat the oven and use a heavy, cast-iron skillet.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lord God, Creator and Lover of all things, great and SMALL, you who hast commanded us to pray for our enemies, please, Lord, FORGIVE John who is a BAD BAD MAN for suggesting such evil things about such a sweet, loving, traumatized little puppy like mine. Spare John, that MINION OF EVIL, from tormenting images of his most beloved of charges being baked in ovens, redeem him and his TWISTED MIND from all the wrath and anger You so justifiably must feel towards him for taking such a callous position against this poor little dog who has meant so much to me and whom You, Oh Lord, have used as an instrument of such healing in my life. Do not strike him down, Oh Lord, even though he may richly deserve it.

Anonymous said...


The chicken breast you ate the other day was one of my most beloved creatures. Your dog, however, peed on my carpet.

Truly, he is by nature an object of my wrath.


maureen said...

dear god,
that was one of the funniest things i've ever read.
you a funny man god.

Anonymous said...

Dear God,

Wow! Lucy peed on my carpet this morning TOO! I think that's so cool how she loves us the same.


Dave and Kara said...

Brian.. My white small dog can kick your white small dogs butt.j/k. actually im sure you know by meeting Ben, he can be a bit of a terror and bit if he gets scared.Jeff cannell is kinda scared of him and call him the devil or something to that effect. Ben kinda does that shaking fear or anger thing too. Your dog kinda look like ben but bens a shitzu not a maltese...anyway good luck trying to get him use to you.
Dave H