

Well…. The election is essentially over, well except for the lawsuits. I would like to clear some things up. I don’t hate you. I don’t think you’re an idiot. I am not going to bash you because you voted for the other guy. I really just want to get on with the business of life. I want us to get along. We need to find some middle ground. I think we really need to work together to change our world for the better. Can we at least agree on this? Can we at least restart the dialogue; restart it in a more civil, less condescending, less abusive way. Can we heal?


John McCollum said...

Yeah, I think that this is the chance for G-Dub to finally demonstrate whether or not an anti-abortion (except, of course, of cases of rape or incest or risk to mother's health) president can actually make progress toward overturning Roe v. Wade.

If he does, the single-issue-pro-life voters within the Republican party will look back on this election with great fondness. If not, we will probably bolt forever.

Here's to a more civil discourse.

"Four more wars! Four more wars!"

Just kidding.

Now do you think I'm an idiot?


John McCollum said...

I'm sorry. I meant to say,

"Far more beers! Far more beers!"